Channel: MGIMO Review of International Relations
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Sub-State Actors in International Relations and the Evolution of Federalism (Cooperation between the Komi Republic and Hungary in the First Half of the 1990s.)


The paper is devoted to the problem of asymmetrical international interaction of sub-state actors. It touches upon the erosion of Westphalian sovereignty at present time. This problem is under discussion in conjunction with the evolution of federalism. Author attempts to clarify the relation of international activity of world politics sub-state actors and type of interaction between central and regional levels of government. For this purpose the article presents the analysis of the cooperation between the Republic of Komi (part of Russian Federation) and the Republic of Hungary in the first half of the 1990s. In addition author focuses on the role of international relations of sub-state actors in the democratic transition. The main method of the investigation is historical institutionalism. This research method provides a necessary result. The investigation based on data from the Foreign policy archive of the Russian Federation and publications in Hungarian and Russian newspapers. There are foreign and Russian research papers on the question. Scientists from different fields develop this issue. For carrying out the purpose of investigation offer typology of Russian regions regarding to their external relations, indicate the possible definitions of the key terminology of international activities of Russian regions and is a brief overview of the establishment of Russian-Hungarian relations on a new base in the late Soviet and early post-Soviet periods. It should be noted that the model of interaction between the Komi Republic and Hungary is typical of many of the basic parameters for international activities of Russian regions in the chronological framework. In conclusion the paper reads that to the medium of the 1990s came a partnership type of relationship between Сentre and Komi concerning Komi-Hungarian cooperation. This fact proves the possibility of the positive role of asymmetric international relations of sub-state actors, including the period of democratic transition.

Key words: international relations of the state regions, Russia, Hungary, Komi Republic, federalism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, historical institutionalism

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